3 cute poses everyone can do for their engagement photos

Couple walks forward in goofy embrace during sunset at Butterfly Beach in Santa Barbara.

One of the most common things my couples tell me is how awkward they feel in front of the camera. In fact, one of the top questions I get asked is if I’ll be able to give them directions and help pose them so they know what to do. The answer is absolutely. I will be there with you every step of the way to help you look and feel your best! But I also know that some of the best photos aren’t actually posed—they’re natural, with the couple being their quirky, goofy, loving selves and completely forgetting there’s even a camera there.

The trick isn’t always to give directions, but to create a fun, carefree environment where my couples feel relaxed and comfortable being themselves. This can be through the casual conversations we have during the shoot to giving them prompts for poses that are outright goofy and ridiculous! And maybe even a self-deprecating joke here and there.

The more natural and at ease I can help make my couples feel, the more real the emotions and the better the photos are.

3 prompts you can practice for naturally cute engagement photos

Everyone is different and some poses may not be you or your love—some people don’t like to be picked up, some don’t want to run through fields, and some may want a more editorial feel. All styles are equally important, especially when it comes to representing your love. While these factors will also affect the locations and outfits you chose, they will also affect the prompts your engagement photographer gives you. It’s why I like to ask if my couples are comfortable doing this or that before giving a prompt. Being comfortable is the most important thing during your engagement session!

With all that said, sometimes it’s helpful to practice and see what poses might be right for you and your love during your engagement session. Who knows! Maybe you are a spin-me-in-circles type of person.

Pose 1: Walking in tandem

This prompt is super goofy and can feel incredibly awkward in the moment, but the purpose behind it is to create movement and bring you two close together. First, you’ll stand together (I recommend the taller person behind the shorter person). Then you’ll hold hands or intertwine your fingers—whatever feels more you.

Finally, you will both walk forward at the same time in what I would describe as a very unnatural walk. Feel free to kick your legs out in front of you, wrap your arms around your love, sway side to side, and generally stumble forward.

The goofiness behind this prompt will cause you to smile and laugh naturally, while still creating movement and a closeness to the photos.

Couple embraces with sweet kiss-attack on the beach in Montecito, C A.

Pose 2: The bear hug

For me, this pose is a two parter which ultimately leads to a sweet, spontaneous bear hug. You’ll start similar to the first pose with the taller person standing behind the shorter person, but this time, the tall person should stand slightly off to the side so that the camera can still see their face. Again, you’ll hold hands or intertwine your fingers—think airplane or Jack and Rose on the bow of the Titanic!

Once your hands are interlocked, you can begin to sway side to side, making a slow wave with your arms. Once you’ve mastered this movement, you’re ready for part two. On the count of three, the person in the back will bear hug their partner and kiss-attack the side of their face. This pose is sweet and goofy and spontaneous—there should be lots of laughter and smiles!

And if you want to add an extra element, you can also pick the person in the front up and swing them back and forth a little while they kick their legs. The overall engagement photos will look playful and full of love!

Young couple about to kiss. One partner holds the other partner's face in their hands while both smile.

Pose 3: Kiss me maybe

This pose doubles as both romantic and cute for engagement photos. While kissing may not always make for the most romantic up close photo, with squished noses and mashed up faces, this almost kiss pose is sweetly beautiful and full of potential. The prompt for this is incredibly easy and can have a lot of natural variations. First, let’s chat about hands. One partner can place both hands on their partner’s jaw as if they’re pulling them in for a kiss, or one hand around their partner’s waist and the other on the cheek that’s furthest away from the camera, or both arms wrapped around the waist. All are super cute options.

Next, comes the silly part. You’ll lean in to your partner as if you’re about to kiss them (head tilted to the side and all), but instead of kissing, you’re going to bring your mouths close together while gently smiling. It’s almost as if you’re going to bump your teeth together.

This pose makes it look as though you’re about to kiss, creating an intimate closeness between you two. It’s one of my favorites.

Don’t overthink it—have fun!

The bottom line: don’t over think the poses or prompts. Do you best to stay in the moment, focus on your love, and have fun! The best photos will be the ones where you two are being yourselves. This will also be easier said than done if you pick a location that suits your vibe, outfits that you feel comfortable and cute in, and you’re open with your photographer about what is and isn’t your style. If your photographer understands you two as a couple, it will help them to provide you with prompts that will bring out the best in you two.

Emma Nicole Williams

Wedding and elopement photographer for the wild and the wildly in love.


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