3 ways to prepare for your adventure engagement session

Golden hour engagement photos at Lizards Mouth

For a lot of couples, taking engagement photos isn’t just about getting pictures for their save the date cards or wedding websites. It’s a time for them to celebrate the beginning of their next chapter in their lives together and the start of something exciting. It’s a time to create new memories and commemorate this time in their lives with images that will last them a lifetime. That’s why adventure engagement sessions are the absolute BEST for outgoing, wildly in love couples. You get to explore a beautiful location with your love, maybe see a place you’ve always wanted to visit, and create a new special place in your relationship.

That being said, adventurous engagement sessions do come with their own set of challenges and there are a lot of things you’ll need to consider before diving in head first.

Let’s go on an adventure

Before anything else, talk to your photographer! In all likelihood they’ve been to the location you’re thinking of and will have a ton of advice for you. If not, they’ve probably done numerous adventure sessions in the past and will have advice for you anyway!

Once you’ve all chosen your perfect spot—whether it be Joshua Tree, Yosemite, Big Sur, the Oregon Coast, Olympic National Park, Mount Rainier, or anywhere else on planet earth—it’s time to start planning for your engagement session. Make sure to coordinate with your photographer in advance and have a meet up plan in place (some locations don’t have cell service), pick out an outfit or two, and pack a bag full of basic necessities.

Here are three things to consider when planning and preparing for your engagement shoot to make sure you aren’t uncomfortable, cold, or lost during your session:

Your shoes

I cannot stress this enough. What kind of terrain does your location have? Is it rocky, steep, sandy, have lots of cliffs, or dense shrubbery? This will be important when deciding what shoes you want to wear during your session. If your session is going to be in a really rocky area that will involve maybe some climbing or walking on uneven surfaces, bring shoes that are suitable for this terrain! That’s not to say you can’t wear heels or shouldn’t, but bring extra shoes that you can comfortably and safely walk around in. The last thing you want during your engagement photos is to get injured or be unable to get to the cool spot you’ve always imagined having your photo taken at.

Your outfit

Weather can be extremely unpredictable. Especially if you’re planning on taking photos anywhere in the Pacific North West (PNW) or along the Oregon and California coastlines. Make sure you’re dressing appropriately for your environment—warmer in the winter months and breezy in the summer months. Of course, if you have your heart set on a specific outfit that may not be well suited for your shoot location, that’s okay! Just be sure to bring a change of clothes or even warmer clothes to put on in-between photos and locations. This way you can stay warm and comfortable during your shoot, and truly enjoy the experience!

If you’re also planning on getting wet—jumping in the ocean or a lake—you’ll definitely want to have a change of clothes waiting for you at your car. And even if you’re not planning on getting wet, it doesn’t hurt to be safe.

Your accessories (the necessities)

Sometimes adventurous engagement sessions mean hiking or traveling to your chosen spot. That means you’ll want to pack a bag full of the basic necessities you might need:

  • Water

  • Snacks

  • Sunscreen

  • Bug spray

  • Flash light

  • Change of clothes/shoes

  • Hair brush

  • Extra makeup

  • Deodorant

  • First aid kit

Come prepared for an adventure and be ready for anything! Having these items with you will allow you to enjoy your session, feel comfortable, and be safe.


Emma Nicole Williams

Wedding and elopement photographer for the wild and the wildly in love.


How to pick a location for your engagement photos


How to pick an outfit for your engagement photos