3 reasons why photographers should do styled shoots

Emma Nicole Photography Bohemian Wedding Invitation Flat Lay

Up until 2019, taking photos had only ever been a hobby. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely loved photography, but I’d never considered making it my profession - it was just something that brought me joy. And at the time, I was just happy to help friends out when they needed some quick and (really) cheap grad photos.

But then 2019 happened and I was faced with a truth I don’t think I’d ever fully considered: My own mortality.

Sounds dramatic, I know.

For over a year, I had been experiencing crippling pains in my abdomen that would last up to three days and put me completely out of commission. I know this is TMI, but at the time, I really did think I was just having the worst pre-period cramps ever. (Spoilers: I was very, very wrong).

It was in May that my boyfriend had had enough. About an hour after watching the finale of Game of Thrones, he came into the room where I was laying down, as still as possible, and told me to get dressed. We were going to the hospital. I begged and pleaded with him. I couldn’t go. Hospitals are expensive and I certainly didn’t have the extra cash lying around for a bunch of tests that would ultimately tell me it was just a tummy ache or something equally benign and ridiculous. But he wasn’t having it. We were going.

Three hours and a CT scan later, a doctor came into our room to tell me that I didn’t have a tummy ache. As he sat down, he grimaced and calmly told me that he didn’t want me to panic. He already had the wheels in motion. They had found a large mass in my lower abdomen and they were going to be transferring me downtown to Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital where I would be meeting with a surgical team.

Well, we all know what I did then. I panicked.

The following 18 hours were a terrifying blur. We learned I had a large low-malignant tumor on my left ovary. We learned that I needed emergency surgery that day. We learned that they couldn’t promise me that I’d still have my uterus at the end of it. We learned what true fear was.

This is all a very long way for me to say that when I was laying in my hospital bed recovering (one ovary lighter) the next day, I realized that life was too damn short to have a job that didn’t bring me true joy. I didn’t want to get to the end and regret that I hadn’t tried.

And so I pursued the one thing that had always brought me joy: Photography. With the help of my boyfriend, a very talented graphic designer, we created a logo and business cards. I booked grad shoots and took photos of any friends that would allow me. I shot proposals and products. And I did it all within two months of getting out of that hospital bed.

I was determined to make this dream a reality

So when Danielle Poffenbarger shared that she was raffling off one spot to her 2019 styled shoot and workshop, I entered faster than you can say “I do!”

And as luck (and Danielle) would have it, I won.

This probably sounds extreme, but it was one of the best experiences of my entire life. From listening to Danielle talk about photography, her process and her business, to her talented guest speakers Austyn Elizabeth, Alyx House, and Desiree Nguyen Orth, I learned more than I could have ever imagined. And more importantly, I walked away feeling inspired and more certain than ever that this is what I wanted to do.

Then there was day two. And all of my styled shoot dreams came true.

From the gorgeous floral arrangements that Tumbleweed Floral Design put together (I mean, did you see that bridal head piece?!?) to the flawless planning and coordination by Bari Elexa Events, Danielle and her phenomenal team of creatives and friendors outdid themselves and pulled off a truly beautiful styled shoot. But seriously, just look at all of these photos!

Given the chance, I would absolutely attend another one of Danielle’s workshops.

Emma Nicole Photography Bohemian Wedding Table Set Sweet Heart Table

Why all photographers should do styled shoots

That was all to say that I believe all photographers should participate in or create their own styled shoots.

Why? Because what you get out of the experience is priceless.

  1. You get experience photographing shots that you’ll need to take at a real wedding. From table settings, extravagant floral displays to flat lays, these may be all things you’ve never photographed before if you haven’t shot a wedding.

  2. You build your portfolio. This is especially important if you’re in the beginning stages of your photography career and haven’t shot a wedding before. Clients want to see what you can do, so it’s important to have samples of your work. But this is also important for established photographers, too! Are you looking to diversify your feed? Work with a vendor you particularly admire but have never had the chance to collaborate with? Have a dream wedding you’re dying to shoot? These can all be achieved by creating your own styled shoot.

  3. You make connections. I cannot say this enough. It is so important to have friends in this industry. Whether you connect with the other photographers attending the workshop or the creatives putting it together, the connections you make are invaluable. And regardless of being new or experienced in this industry, connections are a good thing. I genuinely hope that I have the chance to work with all of these talented individuals again one day.

I look forward to one day planning my own styled shoot and I cannot wait to share it with you all!


Like what you see? Here are the talented creatives that made this shoot possible:

Emma Nicole Photography Bohemian Bride and Groom
Emma Nicole Williams

Wedding and elopement photographer for the wild and the wildly in love.


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